Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011

Merry Christmas

I'm wishing you and your whole family a Merry  Christmas and Happy New Year !


Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011

Christmas roses

No snow outside,but Christmas is just around the corner. So I just made the last winter flowers ,still in white ! I hope ,I don't bore you with all the flowers in the same color.So this is a flower box with Christmas roses and just a little bit snow at the green leaves.
I wish you a happy fourth Sunday in Advent  !

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

Hairdresser's shop

Today a package of my friend Cornelia arrived and so I could finish the hairdresser's shop . Danny ,the hairdresser has now a customer . She wants to have an extravagant hairstyle and he gives her just the last finishing touches . Danny also has now an apprentice, called Justin ,but he is not in the mood of working. In the shop windows women will see the newest fashion with the heads with wigs Cornelia made for me . I really love them. Perhaps you see,that she put real eyelashes in the lids ! The shelf is now filled with a choice of beauty products. For the reception desk I made a modern ikebana arrangement in a vase of Elisabeth Causeret and painted by Magarethe Freudenstein. in red with gold.

Freitag, 9. Dezember 2011


It's horrible cold here in Germany . We have hail, rain and snow,not my weather :-( , because I love it hot . But I thought I have to make also a flower for this time .So I made this little pot of snowdrops .

Samstag, 26. November 2011

Another wedding bouquet

This is the copy of the bridal bouquet of princess Victoria . I took me many days,because I included all the different flowers which they took in real . Because I have no bride doll, I photographed it in my new vase of Magarethe Freudenstein. The vase is made by Elisabeth Causeret and Margarethe Freudenstein painted them with a special technic in gold .

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Wedding bouquet

I'm just finishing a custom order of two wedding bouquets .This is the first I just finished .After that I have to make snowdrops and white Christmas roses. So a lot of white blossoms smothers my workbench at the moment .

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Tudor Loo

After being a bad blogger for a long time , sometimes miniature hobby is something,I have no time for . But now , I like to show you a ready planted Tudor Loo. Karin Caspar build it with a kit by Rik Pierce and decorated the whole scene with Harry Potter figures made by Silke Janas Schlösser .
Karin also send me this photo with her dog Luna in miniature .I love her dog and so this is my dearest picture :-) !
This is look behind ,there we planted a wild rose and belladonna bush .
In the front part Karin made a big stone and I made her fuchsia for this .

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Over the teacups and a misery in the kitchen

Yesterday I finished a new room box for myself. It's for my poor housewife ,who has to clean the floor. She is making orange marmalade ,but one glass has fallen on the floor :-(
Her man consoles her and gives her backslapping :-)
The wonderful board of making orange marmalade is from my lovely friend Linda ,I'm totally in love with that scene. She also made a little tray with croissants and a single glass of orange marmalade . At the corner you see one of her great baskets filled with different sorts of bread .
Jana has made me different books for my kitchens.This beautiful leather bonded is my favorite book !
The two old ladies are frightened about the misery in the kitchen and forget to eat .

I just also like to thank Susi ,many shabby things and furniture pieces in the kitchen are made by her . She is wonderful and every piece of her is a delight . The beautiful furniture in Art Nouveau are from Jean Luc Gaillat !
All figures are made by my friend Cornelia . I love the different personality in every figure she is doing for me . For me her figures are speaking :-)
Here you can see again my high passion for Linda's food :-) Because we had orange marmalade in the kitchen, she made me this fabulous Orange Gateu on a glass stand . For the cake stand of my service ,made by Margarethe Freundenstein, Linda made 14 different pastries .
I have to show you the pastries and cake single. Linda's work is so unique and perfect , so look at it in the detailed photos !

So and here we have the side with many place holders ,the window for flowers :-) ! Shame on me ,but flowers are always a stepchild in my "own" collections . But hey ,I have one rose bouquet,it is a start ,grin .

Freitag, 23. September 2011

A gift for a special friend

This is a gift for a special friend of mine.
The idea for the design of the columbine didn't come from me. I've reworked it after a painting by Albrecht Duerer.

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

Water plants

Water lilies in summer and water lilies in autumn

At the moment I'm making different water plants. It's bad to make a photo because I don't plant them in the water by myself . The plants are for the members of the Rik Pierce class " Fair Rosemund Bower " next week here in Germany. Like every year Karin Caspar is the organizer of this great event. I hope everybody will have much fun and I like to see photos ,buddies :-))

Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Rambler rose

Just finished this rose in pastel pink. At the moment I'm inspired of all the wonderful things in shabby chic and so I made the rose consistent with these colors.

Mittwoch, 7. September 2011


I get this award from Ivani who is making wonderful food,take a look at her blog . Many thanks Ivani for giving that to me. And now comes the hard part,giving the award to 10 blogs you also deserve this price . My list would be longer than that, because so many of you do fantastic things . So I share this award with all of you ;-) Hugs,Jeannette

Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

Schöne kleine Welt

Alles ist gepackt und es kann losgehen . Am Samstag den 3. September gehen wieder die Türen auf für die " Schöne kleine Welt " und ich freue mich schon , viele von euch wieder zu sehen ! Die Messe findet diesmal in der
Sammler-und Hobbywelt
Das Erlebnis-Museum
in Alten-Buseck b. Giessen statt .

Everything is ready for the show in Alten-Buseck by Giessen " Schoene kleine Welt " and I hope to see many of you there !

Montag, 29. August 2011

7 Amazing Blogs

By fluke I just found this site . Isn't that funny and great in a web page which actual has nothing to do with miniatures.

Sonntag, 21. August 2011

Wall with climbing ivy

It's just a simple ivy, but I like these plant climbing at walls. For me it is decorative like a blooming plant.

Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

A new rose

Thank you all for your best wishes, like you see,it helped me a lot and my arm is better :-) ! So I was busy and made this climbing rose,which has very tiny blossoms against all the other roses I usually make. I have this sort of rose new in my real garden and I love her, cause it is a sea of flowers. So I started to make it in miniature and I put 47 blossoms at it. You see, I also changed the geranium pot and add some frankincense . I think so the geraniums look more loose.

Samstag, 13. August 2011

New plants for the fair " Schöne kleine Welt "

Being a bad blogger the last time, but I have a inflammation in forearm and it hurts a lot . So I avoid to be on the computer and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to comment all the beautiful things you have made in the last time. Making some miniatures is also very difficult, but I use my time as much as I can. Cause I have a fair in three weeks here in Giessen , " Schoene kleine Welt " , and I can't go there with an empty table :-( !
I like to show you this hanging basket with pastel fuchsias in soft yellow with rose I have made.

On the other side of my display for the table I made these geraniums in a pot for the wall.
I think I will add some soft pink roses and an ivy to this.
Hope to be an active blogger in the next time :-) !

Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

Please don't make this mistake

This will be a longer post, but perhaps it is useful for some you . I have made this monastery garden two years ago together with Karin for a customer . It took a long time after planing, building and planting and we were very proud . So but I have made the mistake, to trust a new material which came out in our shop for model railway . It was called " Moss for glade " , a product of Busch ( a German company ). What I didn't know, that it was a natural building material !
This is the result after two years , the whole grass looks sere and withered ! So that's why made these photos today, please don't take natural material for miniature garden. It is only for a short time , after that you can cast it away . As I saw this by my customer, I took the garden and promised to refresh it completely. Fortunately he is also a good friend and he wasn't angry about that what happened .
And this was my day : I put every flower out of the garden and deleted the whole grass with a scraper and a cutter knife . After that I put on a coat from my wallpaper waste and put new grass from woodland scenic on it. And after hours of setting all the flowers on the right place , the whole thing was restored :-) ! I have made some pictures , although I hadn't daylight, but I'm so lucky now and show you them .