This is a post to the question from Catherine how to make this natural looking grass. The secret is static grass . The designing of a landscape is very time consuming and the material not cheap, but if you do it often the investment worth every cent. To show you how to ,I give you this link .
But if you search in Google with the terms : static grass model railways you will find many more.
The picture of this Irish hut shows you the possibilities . It makes much fun,because you have different colors of grass .You can add weeds,wild grass and other things you like between the landscape,so it will never look boring. Naturally like in real size .
Hello Jeanette,
AntwortenLöschenIt looks incredible. thank you for sharing the product you use.
Big hug,
It's so beautiful! I love it.
AntwortenLöschenOgród wygląda wspaniale :)
Yes, it look very natural! Great! Hugs Kati
AntwortenLöschenI've been using it for a number of years, I love it, but the static machine that makes it stand up costs a lot of money. I hold clumps vertically and place into PVA (white glue). ;)
AntwortenLöschenmerci Jeannette je suis allée voir sur différents sites .J'ai de l'herbe en flocage mais je ne connaissais pas l'herbe haute statique .Tu n'as pas eu de problème pour positionner l'herbe haute car ils parlent de pulvérisateur mais c'est un outil trop cher .
AntwortenLöschenHalli hallo, wunderschön sieht das aus. Es paßt alles unheimlich gut zusammen bis ins kleinste Detail.
AntwortenLöschenLieben Gruß Hibiskus
Queda muy real.Gracias.
AntwortenLöschenЗамечательная работа! Очень приятно смотреть!
What a beautiful scene! and truly realistic looking! Absolutely gorgeous, Jeannette! Mini hugs, Natalia
AntwortenLöschenThe result is fantastic.
No conocía la hierba estática,gracias por la información!!! La escena se ve tan magnífica!!!!