My first award !
I just received a mail from Linda http://linsminis.blogspot.com/and I'm very honored to get this award .Thank you Linda :-) !
I'm very new under the blogs and I hope to make everything right,puh !!!
So here are the rules :
1) Display the image and publish the rules.
2) Post the link of who won the prize.
3) Give ten blogs dream to which award the prize.
4) Notice blogs listed.
So here are 10 blogs I love !
1) Karin : http://kc-design-kc.blogspot.com/
2) Josje : http://josje-bouwt.blogspot.com
3) Mercedes : http://libertybiberty.blogspot.com
4) Silke : http://silkesminiatures.blogspot.com
5) Silvia : http://lotjesdollhouse.blogspot.com
6) Marlies : http://marliesminies.blogspot.com
7) Synnove: http://synnovesetdukkehjem.blogspot.com
8) Emmaflam&Miriam : http://parisminiatures.blogspot.com
9)Monika : http://monisminiaturen.blogspot.com
10) Nell : http://nell-miniminis.blogspot.com
So,that is done,now I quickly send a note ;-) ,Jeannette
I'm very new under the blogs and I hope to make everything right,puh !!!
So here are the rules :
1) Display the image and publish the rules.
2) Post the link of who won the prize.
3) Give ten blogs dream to which award the prize.
4) Notice blogs listed.
So here are 10 blogs I love !
1) Karin : http://kc-design-kc.blogspot.com/
2) Josje : http://josje-bouwt.blogspot.com
3) Mercedes : http://libertybiberty.blogspot.com
4) Silke : http://silkesminiatures.blogspot.com
5) Silvia : http://lotjesdollhouse.blogspot.com
6) Marlies : http://marliesminies.blogspot.com
7) Synnove: http://synnovesetdukkehjem.blogspot.com
8) Emmaflam&Miriam : http://parisminiatures.blogspot.com
9)Monika : http://monisminiaturen.blogspot.com
10) Nell : http://nell-miniminis.blogspot.com
So,that is done,now I quickly send a note ;-) ,Jeannette