Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Over the teacups and a misery in the kitchen

Yesterday I finished a new room box for myself. It's for my poor housewife ,who has to clean the floor. She is making orange marmalade ,but one glass has fallen on the floor :-(
Her man consoles her and gives her backslapping :-)
The wonderful board of making orange marmalade is from my lovely friend Linda ,I'm totally in love with that scene. She also made a little tray with croissants and a single glass of orange marmalade . At the corner you see one of her great baskets filled with different sorts of bread .
Jana has made me different books for my kitchens.This beautiful leather bonded is my favorite book !
The two old ladies are frightened about the misery in the kitchen and forget to eat .

I just also like to thank Susi ,many shabby things and furniture pieces in the kitchen are made by her . She is wonderful and every piece of her is a delight . The beautiful furniture in Art Nouveau are from Jean Luc Gaillat !
All figures are made by my friend Cornelia . I love the different personality in every figure she is doing for me . For me her figures are speaking :-)
Here you can see again my high passion for Linda's food :-) Because we had orange marmalade in the kitchen, she made me this fabulous Orange Gateu on a glass stand . For the cake stand of my service ,made by Margarethe Freundenstein, Linda made 14 different pastries .
I have to show you the pastries and cake single. Linda's work is so unique and perfect , so look at it in the detailed photos !

So and here we have the side with many place holders ,the window for flowers :-) ! Shame on me ,but flowers are always a stepchild in my "own" collections . But hey ,I have one rose bouquet,it is a start ,grin .

28 Kommentare:

  1. It is a wonderful room box!!!! There are so many beautiful things to look at. I love that woman looking into the kitchen. She seems to be so concerned about what is happening in there. LOL

    I am so envious of those lovely tiles from Tiny Ceramics. I would love to order something form her but I don't understand her web site.

  2. Great roombox! I love everything you put in this scene!:)

  3. Jeanette, Your roombox came out so wonderful! I love the dolls!!! They have so much character. Every little detail is perfect!!! Great job!!!

  4. Great scenes! I love the dolls and the food/

  5. Wauw, hvor er det spændende at kigge i din kikkasse! Der er så meget liv, og dine dukker er jeg fuldstændig forelsket i. De har virkelig karakterer. Selv neglelak er en af mange detaljer. Stor ros fra mig.
    Knus Eva

  6. What a simply wonderful's so full of character...I love those poor ladies who are forgetting to eat & as for the husband patting his poor wife on the back..well that's a typical man! Fabulous Jeannette!
    PS...shame on you...only ONE example of your stunning flowers!!! :-))

  7. What a wonderful scene!! Every detail is perfect. I love it!!

  8. It's so wonderful! Love the color of the dining room furniture. The whole thing has so many lovely details to admire. =)

  9. You played with style and humor a great classic of German miniature ...
    The whole scene is a love, cared in all details, I love it :-)
    Mini hugs, Flora

  10. Your scene is wonderful. I love every fantastic detail. Hugs Maria

  11. Precioso como te ha quedado, una escena divertida, diferente......lo mejor la estanteria y una mesa pequeña de la cocina......jejeje, es broma¡¡¡
    Me encanta verlo junto a tus trabajos.
    Un gran beso guapa¡¡¡

  12. Your room boxes take my breath away. They are the most gorgeous I have ever seen ! I want to send you something special. How can I get your address? Maybe you can visit my blog and email me? Kathy

  13. Deine Küche sieht wirklich toll aus. So viele schöne Details. Danke für´s zeigen. LG Jana

  14. Haha...Du Küchenfee, hast Du Dich wunderschön ausgetobt und es ist Dir super gelungen ((-:
    Einfach nur toll ist sie geworden! Ich liebe Linda`s essen, es ist perfekt! Das Service von Margarete...ein Traum! Und Jean Luc`s Möbel sind fantastisch!
    Käm gut wenn sie nun noch etwas mehr "beblümelt" wü kenn da jemand der kann das perfekt....wohnt in Gießen...kennst Du sie auch? ((-;

  15. Jeannette, es un roombox precioso, con muchos detalles maravillosos.
    Me encantan los muñecos de su amiga CORNELIA!

  16. wonderful!! great effort of work! love it so much.

  17. The scene is fascinating! I am delighted ... the result is wonderful when you can join the talents of several friends. Congratulations!

  18. What a lovely roombox, with so many gorgious and very detailled mini's in it.
    I love everything in there, i can't stop watching.
    It is one of the most beautifull scenes i have ever seen.

  19. Una escena fantastica!!!
    Solo con imagenes se cuenta una gran historia.
    Me encantan cada uno de los detalles.
    besitos ascension

  20. Pero ¡Que escena más, más pero más!!!! Bonita y perfectamente bien hecha ¡Wow!! Admiro muchísimo tu trabajo Jeannette ÖÖÖÖ
    Todo me fascina Ü Y ese mural de azulejos ¡Me encanta!!!!!!
    Un abrazo

  21. I have really enjoyed looking at your roomboxes and reading the narration. Every single item is special and that marmalade prep table is just precious, topped with that fallen bottle of jam!

    But those dolls brought life to the scene. I just love dolls because they bring life like nothing else can :).

  22. Wow, love the scene of this roombox,fantastic!
    And all the yummie food...still need a lot of cakes for my bakery, hope they will be as nice as yours!


  23. Que escena tan bonita, y llena de vida, me gusta mucho, te felicito.
    Además cuenta con muchos detalles, me ha encantado saber de tu blog.

  24. You have a unique way of setting things up to tell a story and it resignated. Cheers! LJ

  25. Muito Lindo esta roombox,adorei a cena porque ela tem movimento,esta maravilhosa!!!...Parabéns pelo belo trabalho.......bjs
