Yesterday I finished a new room box for myself. It's for my poor housewife ,who has to clean the floor. She is making orange marmalade ,but one glass has fallen on the floor :-(

Her man consoles her and gives her backslapping :-)

The wonderful board of making orange marmalade is from my lovely friend
Linda ,I'm totally in love with that scene. She also made a little tray with croissants and a single glass of orange marmalade . At the corner you see one of her great baskets filled with different sorts of bread .
Jana has made me different books for my kitchens.This beautiful leather bonded is my favorite book !

The two old ladies are frightened about the misery in the kitchen and forget to eat .
I just also like to thank
Susi ,many shabby things and furniture pieces in the kitchen are made by her . She is wonderful and every piece of her is a delight . The beautiful furniture in Art Nouveau are from Jean Luc Gaillat !

All figures are made by my friend
Cornelia . I love the different personality in every figure she is doing for me . For me her figures are speaking :-)

Here you can see again my high passion for
Linda's food :-) Because we had orange marmalade in the kitchen, she made me this fabulous Orange Gateu on a glass stand . For the cake stand of my service ,made by Margarethe Freundenstein, Linda made 14 different pastries .

I have to show you the pastries and cake single.
Linda's work is so unique and perfect , so look at it in the detailed photos !

So and here we have the side with many place holders ,the window for flowers :-) ! Shame on me ,but flowers are always a stepchild in my "own" collections . But hey ,I have one rose bouquet,it is a start ,grin .