Wildrosen mit Hagebutten ,ich habe sie in meinem großen Garten und finde sie immer wieder schön in jede kleine Ecke in unseren kleinen Gärten zu setzen. Oder wie hier vor mein wunderschönes Display,was mir Karin gebaut hat :-) !
As flores estão perfeitas e ficam muito muito bem onde estão, assim a fachada está perfeita. Gosto muito dos pormenores da janela, está linda, parabéns. Beijinho
22 Kommentare:
They are so beautiful!And you have found good spot for them:)
That is so NICE!
Love it! Almost can feel the scent :)
As flores estão perfeitas e ficam muito muito bem onde estão, assim a fachada está perfeita.
Gosto muito dos pormenores da janela, está linda, parabéns.
Wie immer eine fantastische Umsetzung... die wunderschöne Rose hat aber in dem Display auch einen perfekten Rahmen bekommen.
Liebe Grüße
Wonderful! So great job!
What a beautiful bush. You amaze me with your endless talent to create anything that grows.
Fantastic! Are you sure it's not a real plant?
Your flowers never stop amazing me.
What a lovely setting - the flowers are fantastic!
It is so nice, I think it looks like a Nevada!
Love, Susanne
Utterly amazing. Your plants are always wonderful but this rose is superb. I love the building work that you do too.
Was für wunderschöne rosen, in eine perfecte scene!
Viele liebe grüße Mieke
so very pretty! =)
So beautiful!
If I see your amazing work, I just want to start and make flowers...these wild roses are so pretty!
Lovely plant, growing through the cracks between the pavers, and the mossy bit look good too, very nice photo.
Oh, du warst ja fleißig. Wunderschöne Blumen hast du wieder gemacht. LG Jana
Oh, very beautiful! Everything looks so real.
Lovely, adorable work♥
:D piikko
Perfecto como siempre, no he visto nunca nada tuyo q no haya pensado que es perfecto, muchas felicidades y muchos besos.
Your roses are simply wonderful. Compliments!
Tus flores son preciosas! Felicidades! Besos desde España
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