Sonntag, 26. April 2015

Chapel for a funeral service

I have built this chapel in commission to show the scene of a funeral service.
The furniture is made by Stockton Miniatures and the candelabra are made by Jose Garcia Molano.

For the arrangement on the coffin I have used hydrangeas, phalaenopsis, callas,roses and hibiscus blossoms.

An unusual theme ,but it was tempting to make this in miniature.

12 Kommentare:

miniaturista hat gesagt…

Que maravillosa ha quedado la escena y esas calas y demás flores encima del féretro, preciosas.
Un abrazo

Catherine hat gesagt…

The chapel is beautiful. I love the candelabras. The flower arrangement is gorgeous. Sad topic for such lovely work.

Garden of Miniatures hat gesagt…

Thank you,Maite and Catherine . You can believe me,that I also would have preferred to make wedding chapel.

Kikka N hat gesagt…

Beautiful and peaceful! Lovely flower arrangements! Excellent Art work!

Isabel Ruiz hat gesagt…

Es impresionante lo bien ambientado que está. Las flores una maravilla.

kittyandkatminiatures hat gesagt…

Stunning! I was convinced it was real life, not miniature. The flowers are gorgeous, but so is everything else!

PILAR6373 hat gesagt…

Ha quedado una escena muy real!!! Las flores por encima del féretro te han quedado maravillosas,una preciosa disposición!!!!

Janas Minibücher hat gesagt…

Wow, die Kapelle mit deinen Blumen/ Pflanzen sieht ja toll aus. Hast du wirklich prima gemacht.

claude hat gesagt…

inusual but beautiful work

miniacollection hat gesagt…

It is really beautiful.

Josje hat gesagt…

An unusual scene, but beautifully done. Very serene.

Kikka N hat gesagt…

Beautiful chapel and adorable flowers!